The Need

There is a great need for a Ronald McDonald House in Missoula and the need continues to grow as our population grows, as the number of available medical services in Missoula grows, and as state-of-the-art medical facilities in Missoula grow. Missoula has over 1,800 health care professionals serving a 145,000 square mile area. Missoula is home to the region’s only neonatal intensive care unit. During our first year of operation, April 2006-April 2007, we served 148 families for a total of 2,925 nights.

All of our families have traveled a considerable distance to seek medical care for their children.  The average stay for our guests is 21 days with some staying for as long as 4 months.  Many of our guests cannot afford the extended motel stays they need to remain close to their sick children. No one is turned away because of lack of ability to pay.  We ask for a $25 donation to stay at our House, and if  a child is eligible for Medicaid, his/her parents can access travel/per diem funds through Medicaid.  However some families do not meet the eligibility requirements and have no means to pay for the extended motel stays and restaurant bills that would come from staying in Missoula for these lengths of times.  Your generous donations help to defray the costs of these families, making it possible for us to serve our guests in their time of crisis.